Posted by: Valerie | November 3, 2009

Already November, the dregs of the year

Dump guy

A wave from the dump guy

What is there to say about November? It’s a dreary month with no long weekends or holidays unless you are a silly servant in which case you get November 11th off work.  I have always wondered why. Surely one can pay one’s respects to the fallen without staying home from work. Brings to mind parades at school – at least the girl guides and the cadets paraded and the rest stood around under a dripping sky, listening to the last post played waveringly by some nervous band member hidden up on the roof. It was half an hour or so away from Latin, or even better in my case, maths.

For Joe and me the month began with a visit to the municipal dump to get rid of the debris created by the guy renovating the bedroom. I hope it’s not significant but he hasn’t been seen since last Saturday. Eeek! I surely hope he hasn’t done a bunk! His son told us that 20% of the school is off with swine flu – maybe they have been stricken too.

Anyway, back to the dump. It was a bright, crisp morning and the dump was looking splendid. Several local residents were there with their trucks (most people seem to drive trucks around here) full of things that Joe would like to have inspected, had I not been there to restrain him. 

A fine dump it is

Two cheery dump employees were there to count bags of recyclables and help us chuck into the appropriate bins. Then off to the garbage section to get rid of a crappy old carpet and nasty ceiling tiles.
I expect you’ve got the flavour – enough rubbish about the dump. Except to bemoan the face that I’ve never seen a bear there. Maybe I’d have to go at dusk when no-one is around. Trouble is they bar the gates so one would have to go in on foot and if there are bears about I’d rather have a vehicle around me.
Since our trip to the dump, not much has happened – again. I am not feeling exactly ill but not exactly right either. Hope it’s not the dreaded H1N1. Nah – I never get flu. Went for a walk in the bush this afternoon and I have to admit that I was puffing and wheezing by the time I got to the top of the hill… I was just having a rest to get my breath back when I spotted something just off the path. It was an animal skull, completely clean and white with a full set of teeth. I don’t know what creature it could have been except that it had carnivore teeth. Any ideas anyone?

Fingers are there for scale

 On a more serious note I would like anyone who agrees that we have to get something  done about the terrible lack of action on global climate change to visit the Hopenhagen site at .


  1. Here’s a site that might be useful to you!

    • Thanks Julia – I’ll take a look.

  2. I have to disagree about November 11th. When Father was alive I took him to services every year and it meant a great deal to him. He’d wear his greatcoat, his beret and his medals. Seeing a very elderly veteran, many people stopped by and shook his hand or had a kind word. One lady, not too many years his junior but still ambulatory gave him a kiss!

    Since he’s been gone, I’ve continued to attend each year. It makes me think of him and the sacrifices of so many other ordinary people who found themselves in extraordinary times. Each year I notice the numbers are growing steadily perhaps because we are embroiled in war again. I find it touching that so many people take the time to show their respects. I’ll be going again this year.

    • I’m not sure what you are disagreeing with me about. I only said that it’s not necessary to have a holiday to recognise Armistice Day. I know Dad really did appreciate going to the services and I think that’s great. I am surprised to hear that more and more people are attending though. My friend Jean the photographer always goes to the big ceremony in Ottawa and of course takes splendid photographs. I will send one of them by email.

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